Friday, April 07, 2006

On piracy...

Quote from a friend of mine:

" know how they say : "you don't steal a car, so don't download music"...well, if stealing cars was as easy as downloading music... f***, I'd do it!..."

(You have to excuse the f word, my friend is not the politest!)


Anonymous said...

what about you? would you do that? ;)
Since I came to Canada, I always tried to only download those movies that are not distributed in North America and cannot be found in Video Clubs, this way I justify this nasty act (however I'have deviated from this principle a couple of times. Most of the times it's less a matter of money than a matter of laziness). Anyway, in the recent months I discovered SFU library which has a rich collection of worthy DVDs and for free. :D

The Spring Breeze said...

I wouldn't steal cars, but I do download music... and usually for me it's a matter of money!!!! (yeah, I'm cheap!)... I don't download a whole lot though, mostly I get music from other friends, it doesn't count as downloading, does it?

Anonymous said...

I like your friend!

Anonymous said...

If we all steal music all our lives, still, at the end of the day, corporate America owes us! Big time!

Shirin said...

That’s funny ;-)

Anonymous said...

I don't want to be hypocritical and/or didactic, but I have never been deeply comfortable when it comes to pirated products, even when I was in Iran. At least there, you could argue that's the only way to get hold of these things. But here, I can't deal with my conscience when I think an artist has created something with 24/7 inexorable endeavor and I get it with one click. Fortunately, human being is allowed to have mistakes...

The Spring Breeze said...

Negar and Amirali,

Thanks for the support!


It'd be even funnier if you had seen the expression on his face when he was saying it!


Well, well... looks like we have an argument going on here! usually I don't feel bad if I download someone famous's - Madonna for example - music, cause they (as well as their record companies) are already rich enough. But when it comes to less esatlblished artists I prefer to buy the original record. Mostly, I prefer buying the music that matters to me... good soundtracks, Jazz albums or Iranian artists CDs (from Iran, of course)... finally, I know these are all excuses and you can definitely judge me anyway you like! ;)

Anonymous said...

You see, the problem is that most people think they are stealing from the artist when they download music. Wrong. The artist has a very little share of the profit, often less than 5%. The big money goes to producers and music companies. So unless you feel bad ripping of companies which, BTW, have been ripping of all of us for ages (e.g., sony!), keep up downloading and sleep with a calm conscious.

The Spring Breeze said...


I know it's not directly the artists we're stealing from (I hate that verb by the way!) but that means there are also other people involved, the sound recording crew, sound mixing people, cover designers,... just makes me feel worse! I just have a hard time justifying it even for myself, nonetheless, I'm still doing it! I don't have much my slef control when it comes to music!

The Spring Breeze said...

I hate it that you can't edit your comments, please excuse all the typos/extra words here and there!