Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Another book and a movie too!

I am absolutely loving "A Confederacy of Dunces", a great novel about this super comic character in New Orleans. It was published in 1980 and won the Pulitzer prize in 1981, 11 years after the author's death! Check out the Wikipedia link for the book.

It was a little slow at the beginning, and difficult to understand... especially because of all the strange southern way of people talking. But after the first 20-30 pages, you'll fall in love with Ignatius Reilly, and will start laughing out loud when he interacts with people around him. Not an easy book to read, but definitely worth the time and effort!

Oh, and by the way, I watched Y tu mama tambien (I know, it's a shame I waited so long to watch it!) and liked it a lot. It definitely has not been made for general public though; man, I was happy I was watching it by myself! Nonetheless, a great movie and I absolutely love Maribel Verdu... amazing actress.

Still in the state of panic by the way!

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Sunday, March 25, 2007

Panick attack...

because of my project/ assignment/ presentation combination that's going to completely ruin my next 10 days.

So just to post something, here's a song I really like by Diana Krall. I'm not sure but I think I read somewhere she wrote this after her mother passed away.

"Narrow daylight entered my room
Shining hours were brief
Winter is over
Summer is near
Are we stronger than we believe?..."

Title: Narrow daylight, By: Diana Krall

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Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Happy New Year!

One more "Haft-Seen" away from home. Never feels right, but well, what can you do? Wish you all a great year...

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Monday, March 19, 2007

They're free... temporarily!

Finally, Shadi Sadr and Mahboubeh AbbasgholiZadeh are out of jail.

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Wednesday, March 14, 2007

A stupid joke

I just watched Philadelphia today and there was this joke in it I found kind of funny:

-"what do you call a thousand lawyers, chained together, at the bottom of the ocean?"
-"a good start!"

I liked the movie, by the way. Tom Hanks was definitely great. It's weird how their cell phones and laptops look all stupid and old to me, yet I clearly remember the year the movie came out. I thought old stuff only belonged to the time when I wasn't born or was really really young. Guess I have to accept the fact that I'm getting older after all!

Title: Streets of Philadelphia (from Philadelphia OST), By: Bruce Springsteen

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Tuesday, March 13, 2007

300: to watch, or not to watch?

well, I am usually not the one to skip watching a movie, unless i heard absolutely horrible reviews about it. I never watched Alexander, not because it showed a distorted version of the history and made Persians look bad, but because i almost never read even one good review about it as a movie.
Now, 300, is a different story. I've read reviews that praised the movie for its visual effects... and then i read in other reviews, that the movie sucked big time, with no innovative ideas and full of pointless slow-motion fight sequences.

Even the American reviewers think that the movie has been too one-sided, defending "freedom" and "democracy" as Greek ideals against "slavery" and "violence" and "barbarism" as - surprise, surprise! - Persian army characteristics. Hmmm, I haven't watched the movie, i don't know how bad it really was, so I am getting really tempted to go watch it and judge for myself. But that doesn't mean that I can not support 300 the movie, a collaborative project initiated by some Iranian artists to show the artistic side of Persians (and that's why I did not link to imdb record for the movie, you can find it yourselves, I'm sure). I hope the project takes off quickly and people get to see our version of the history as well, not only Frank Miller's. Check out the gallery page on the site, it's cool.

- The above picture was also copied from 300 project.

Also, here are the links to some of the reviews I've read about the movie:

New York Times, not supportive :Battle of the manly men: blood bath with a message
Slate, not supportive :A movie only a spartan could love
Monsters and critics, somewhat supportive :Movie review: 300
Sci-fi weekly, supportive : 300 review
LA daily news, not supportive :'300' Spartan sweat fest that's an ode to men in Speedos

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Two years of daydreaming!

Hey, I just realized today that this blog got two years old last week. Can't believe I survived this long... Viva daydreaming (and other stuff)!

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Monday, March 12, 2007

An inconvenient truth

A great, great documentary. Makes you think twice about many things. A little bit of political agenda, but not annoying. And very interesting and informative. Makes you want to run into the forest and hug the first tree you see :) As Melissa Etheridge says, we all have to wake up.

Cause I need to move
I need to wake up
I need to change
I need to shake up
I need to speak out
Something’s got to break up
I’ve been asleep
And I need to wake up, Now

Here's the final credit song:

Title: I need to wake up, By: Melissa Etheridge

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Free Shadi Sadr and Mahboubeh Abbasgholizadeh

Read in Parastoo's blog...

and in SibilTala.

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Saturday, March 10, 2007

Spring cleaning... shaking the house!

My back aches, and I'm exhausted... but drinking beer in a clean, re-arranged living room feels just great!

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Friday, March 09, 2007

An interesting piece in we 4 change

Here's a short article that I found interesting. Since we 4 change is filtered in Iran, I put the whole text here as well:

نقاب دروغین / راحله عسگری زاده
جمعه 18 اسفند 1385

دوست و همكاري دارم كه بين باقي جوان هاي همكار به احترام به خانم ها و مهرباني معروف است. چند شب قبل با او و دو دوست ديگر عازم جايي بوديم. در ماشين يكي از دفترچه ها را از كيفم در آوردم و پرسيدم آيا چيزي در مورد كمپين شنيده يا نه؟ ابراز بي اطلاعي كرد. وقتي شروع به صحبت كردم دوست ديگري كه در ماشين بود (یک پسر) شروع به شوخي و دست انداختن كرد كه: «محمد اگه اينو امضا كني فردا ديگه كسي بهت اجازه نمي ده دو تا زن بگيري.» و جو ماشين را به شوخي كشاند.

سعي كردم بحث را تغيير دهم و صحبت كمپين را بكنم. محمد پرسيد چه قوانيني رو مد نظر داريم؟ وقتي قوانين رو توضيح مي دادم سعي مي كرد به همه پاسخ دهد. انگار با توجه به جوسازي اوليه آن دوست مي ترسيد اگر تأييد كند ديگران مسخره اش كنند. مثلا اصرار داشت كه من براي پدر و مادرم بيشتر زحمت مي كشم پس ارثم بايد بيشتر باشد يا... در همين حين صحبت بر سر قتل هاي ناموسي رسيد. محمد به حرف هاي همه گوش مي داد و هيچ نمي گفت. متوجه شدم كه تحت تأثير قرار گرفته. با تعجب گفت: «نمي دانستم كه پدر صاحب خون بچه محسوب مي شود.» وقتي كسي مثال خيانت و روابط زناشويي را پيش كشيد محمد سررشته كلام را به دست گرفت و نطق بلند بالايي كرد در رابطه با اينكه زني كه به شوهرش خيانت مي كند و دو زندگي و خانواده را به بازي مي گيرد بايد كشته شود!!

همه شوكه شده بودند! كسي انتظار چنين حرفي از او نداشت. پس از چند ثانيه سكوت كسي پرسيد :

و اگر مرد خيانت كند ...

مردي كه زندگي يك زن شوهردار ...

نه عزيزم! اگر يك مرد زن دار خيانت كنه چي مي شه؟ بايد كشتش؟

محمد سكوت كرد . همه نگاهش مي كردند . همكار به ظاهر مهربان و به قول معروف خانواده دوست نفس عميقي كشيد و گفت: «نه! اون فرق داره!»

گاهي اوقات در حين جمع كردن امضا و يا صحبت با مردم مي بينم چقدر ماسكي كه ديگران به صورت مي زنند با واقعيتشون فرق داره. بين اين آدم ها كه زندگي مي كني مي فهمي كه ممكنه هر لحظه ماسكشون رو كنار بذارن و از حق هايي كه قانون بهشون مي ده چه سوء استفاده هايي كنن. اينجور مواقع بيشتر از هر وقتي احساس عدم امنيت مي كنم و لزوم اين حقوق رو توي زندگيم بيشتر احساس مي كنم. حقوقي كه بايد براي رسيدن بهش تلاش كرد. حقوقي ساده كه براي رسيدن بهشون راه مشكلي پيش رو داريم.

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It's one or the other:

1. either I'm completely consumed by Hollywood's movie culture


2. Divine Intervention sucks, big time!

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Thursday, March 08, 2007

I wear this button because...

I act to end all forms of inequality based on gender, sexual orientation,age, ability, race, ethnicity, religion, and socioeconomic status.

I challenge systems and ideas that reproduce inequalities.

I am committed to individual choice and self-determinantion.

I strive to create an environment where it is safe to question the status quo.

I am continually challenging my own privileged positions.

I am
a feminist.

Happy International Women's Day! :)

PS - there are these buttons that UBC Center for women and gender studies give out and I tried to draw a sample one in MS paint (and I didn't do a very god job, of course!). Anyway, This has been a crazy week, I'll be back with my usual posts sometime soon!

PS 2 - the sentences are part of the campaign, I did not make them up!

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Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Wish I could be there too

would i dare to go if I were back in Iran? Would you?

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Tuesday, March 06, 2007

A requim for my homeland...

read in Maryam Momeni's blog...

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Monday, March 05, 2007

Still waiting...

and they're still in jail. Why can't our government men find a more civilized way of dealing with opposition, especially a peaceful one. Is it really that horrible if men and women have equal rights? I keep picturing these women behind the bars, and all I can say is that I'm thinking of them, and I know a lot of others inside and outside of Iran are, too. I admire them for their courage, these are the women that will change things, and I hope I can do my part as someone far away with such little power, by following their activities and taking part whenever possible.

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Sunday, March 04, 2007

Women arrested over protest, again!

Read in BBC . A great way of showing appreciation for international women's day, don't you think?

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