Monday, March 12, 2007

An inconvenient truth

A great, great documentary. Makes you think twice about many things. A little bit of political agenda, but not annoying. And very interesting and informative. Makes you want to run into the forest and hug the first tree you see :) As Melissa Etheridge says, we all have to wake up.

Cause I need to move
I need to wake up
I need to change
I need to shake up
I need to speak out
Something’s got to break up
I’ve been asleep
And I need to wake up, Now

Here's the final credit song:

Title: I need to wake up, By: Melissa Etheridge

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

for balanced information please also watch: The Great Global Warming Swindle

- youtube (1 of 8):

- Channel 4 (UK):