Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Hitler was human too!

I watched Downfall (Der Untergang) last night. (spoiler notice: this post may reveal some points in the movie plot!) A movie about the final days of the Nazi regime in Germany. It was a bit disturbing, seeing how people can be blinded by ideas, which in Hitler's case turned out to be very wrong. A long movie, but far from boring. It was the first movie I had seen that showed a more human side of Adolf Hitler. It showed some of the people in his circle of friends that actually liked and admired the guy, even when he was extremely close to the end of his reign/life. Some of them turned to extreme solutions when they saw their ideal future (i.e. a Germany with National socialism) going down the drain... This one couple actually KILLED their own children, because a world without their ideals wasn't an appropriate place for kids to grow up in! How sick is that? All on all, It's definitely one of the best WWII movies I've ever watched, so give it a try if you're interested in the topic; you won't regret it.


Anonymous said...

baba spoiler! baba newyork times! baba journalist! baba William Hearst! khob base dige...

Mahsa said...

Nice writing or as I put it in Farsi version "Besyar shirin va ravan".
Everyone has two side, a bright side and a dark side, but the most important thing is which part do you use when it comes to killing innocent people just because you don't like their race or their belief. I can not have sympathy with a person like him even though he had a bright side as well.