It is finally Sizdeh-be-dar; eid is officially over!...I went out for just a little while, tied up a knot using the grass, and enjoyed the marvelous view and the great weather.

I'm reading Life of Pi now, a novel by Yann Martel and winner of the 2002 Man Booker Prize. So far, it's been more than just interesting... it's supposed to be "a story that makes you believe in God". And I have to admit, it's written in a very captive manner; you just sink in and don't want to leave it aside until it's finished. I'm NOT saying that it would definitely change your belief system, but it certainly has a very refreshing point of view towards religion and God. There's this one chapter that's just HILARIOUS; three wise men from different religions (Hinduism, Islam, and Christianity) start this super-funny argument in defense of their respective religions. I had tears in my eyes, reading what stupid reasons they were coming up with to prove their points. Anyway, you should definitely read this book, whether you are a strong believer, an extremist atheist, or still undecided! I can guarantee that you'll get at least, if nothing else, a good laugh out of it. (By the way, I haven't finished the book yet; I know the story turns more serious, don't expect a comic book!)
And here's a small section from the book that I liked:
" I can well imagine an atheist's last words:"White, white! L-L-Love! My God!" - and the deathbed leap of faith. Whereas the agnostic, if he stays true to his reasonable self, if he stays beholden to dry, yeastless factuality, might try to explain the warm light bathing him by saying, "Possibly a f-f-failing oxygenation of the b-b-brain," and, to the very end, lack imagination and miss the better story."
-Yann Martel , Life of Pi
Read the rest...