Monday, March 07, 2005

Not a supergirl!

Well, guess I'm not as strong as I think... Went out on a windy day with wet hair and no warm clothes, now I'm sick! Soar throat and coughing; it's not too bad though, I'll live!

Guess I was too excited about the spring coming... The city's looking more alive with everyday that passes; all the cherry blossoms are out and streets look lovely! Vancouver's just gorgeous in the spring.

This will be my second "Norouz" away from Iran and the home-sickness-attack is on the way again. It just doesn't feel like "Eid" without having everyone you love around you. Last year we didn't even realize when the new year stroke cause there was no loud "Boom!" to announce it, pretty sad! This year will be better though, or so I hope...


Anonymous said...

saba joonam:
chera narahat bashi ? bikhial baba. hame arezooye boodan dar sharayete to ro daran. too behesht zendegi mikoni. inja eyd mesle hamishe ba shoolooghiye khiyaboona hastesh .aslan ghosseye inja ro nakhor. isholloh ye rooz ma hame miyaym pishet.

The Spring Breeze said...

Merci negar joonam! :)