Wednesday, March 23, 2005


Best feeling in the world:

Realizing that your methodology actually makes sense and is working, after a week of stressing out over it!

Horrrrraaaaahhhh... Time to start writing my everlasting masterpiece: referred to by some as "thesis"!

By the way, Barbarian Invasion... Just watched it; can't believe I was missing out on such a great movie!


Anonymous said...

I see that you have already started talking about your work... Is life really that boring?! ;)
I am sure you have seen "The decline of the American empire", the first movie made around the life of the same intelectuals potrayed in the "Barbarian Invasions"... highly recommended.
ps. Am I the only person that write comments for you?

The Spring Breeze said...

To A:

Apparently... I hope you're not the only one reading it!