Sunday, July 23, 2006

I call it a great weekend when:

1. ... I wake up in the morning and go to a CPR class at 9:00 a.m. (note: from now to 22 July 2009, you're allowed to choke on your food, have heart attacks, get beaten by snakes, and get unconcious for any other reason in my presence. because now I'm knowledgeable enough to call 911 and ask for help; honestly, the first three hours of the class was just to tell us how important it is to call 911 and how you should do it and what to say and stuff like that. They did teach us how to do CPR and rescue breathing though, so you're still safe.)

2. ... I leave the CPR class and go with my friends to rent a motor boat and ride around in it for two hours in the Pacific ocean, watch the seals sunbathe on rocks, and get back just in time to have a delicious fish and chips at the harbor.

3. ... After a long hot summer day, I end up watching "Paradise Now" with some friends and discuss politics till 1 in the morning.

4. ... I wake up super late on Sunday and still decide to go canoeing (yet again!) and have a wonderful time.

Yeah, I just had a perfect weekend (still a few more hours to go)!


Anonymous said...

me 2 !:)

Anonymous said...

Paradise Now is a really powerful film. I've been thinking about watching it again for a long time but it hasn't happened yet. How did you like it?

The Spring Breeze said...


My pedalling is improving a lot compared to last time we were there.


I thought it was very good too. The fact that it was partially an Israeli movie makes me surprised, because I didn't feel it was too biased. I liked its approach and the fact that it mentioned the problem with the never ending hatred loop between Israel and palestine.

Sh. said...

Negar and Saba, I'd like to ask you both to watch this : "thank you and have a nice day", as my vietnamese colleage signs his emails when he asks me c# questions...

The Spring Breeze said...


I went to put the movie on my Zip list and they don't even have it in their collection. Shameless! I'll try and find it in a local video store though. Thanks for the suggestion.

Sh. said...

did you search for 'divine intervention' as well? it was the title for the american release.

The Spring Breeze said...


You're the best! Found it, it's Zipped!