Wednesday, October 26, 2005

The Machinist

This movie was sooooooooooooo "chet"... if you know what I mean!

very very weird and kind of creepy... and interesting I must add! I was really disturbed watching it and couldn't take my mind off it for a couple of hours after it was over.

The leading actor is so great in the role, it's hard to imagine anyone else playing it and he must have lost around 20 kilo's or something like that to play such a skinny character!

I can't say anything about the movie plot because it'll ruin it for those who wanna watch it... Definitely don't recommend it to people who tend to easily get disturbed by dark movies though. The truth is that I was putting it off for a very long time myself, wasn't exactly in the mood for it!

So beware!

PS- Do you think it's inappropriate if a TA likes one of the students in the class a bit more than others?!

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