This just makes me wanna shoot everyone who didn't vote in the presidential election this year!
How does it feel now?... we get what we deserve and no one is to blame but ourselves!
This just makes me wanna shoot everyone who didn't vote in the presidential election this year!
How does it feel now?... we get what we deserve and no one is to blame but ourselves!
Posted by
The Spring Breeze
10:29 PM
Category: random
This movie was sooooooooooooo "chet"... if you know what I mean!
very very weird and kind of creepy... and interesting I must add! I was really disturbed watching it and couldn't take my mind off it for a couple of hours after it was over.
The leading actor is so great in the role, it's hard to imagine anyone else playing it and he must have lost around 20 kilo's or something like that to play such a skinny character!
I can't say anything about the movie plot because it'll ruin it for those who wanna watch it... Definitely don't recommend it to people who tend to easily get disturbed by dark movies though. The truth is that I was putting it off for a very long time myself, wasn't exactly in the mood for it!
So beware!
PS- Do you think it's inappropriate if a TA likes one of the students in the class a bit more than others?!
Posted by
The Spring Breeze
11:39 PM
Category: movies
So following my previous movie updates... here's what I watched tonight and absolutely loved: Lemony Snicket's: A series of unfortunate events...
It is a must see if you're a Jim Carrey fan (or Jude Law's, or Meryl Streep's!)... the whole movie definitely has a Tim Burton-ish ambiance, but I should say it's far better than the last Burton movie I watched (Charlie and the chocolate factory)! The set decoration and art direction is superb and Jim Carrey just shines...
The movie starts with a happy little elf running around and singing and then suddenly comes to a stop. Lemony Snicket (the original author of the series of books) is the narrator and advises the viewers to leave the theater (or living room or the airplane that the movie is being shown in) if they'd like to see the story of the happy elf... because this story is going to be about three unfortunate orphans and their adventures!
I can go on and on about this movie but am gonna stop here... I recommend it to everyone though! you're gonna love it!
Posted by
The Spring Breeze
11:33 PM
Category: movies
Ok now... I need to thank for the emotional support that the public showed, following my last post! :)
I think I am actually going back... Although it's gonna be really late... I will be in the air ON CHRISTMAS DAY! And will be able to stay in Iran long enough to make me happy! And all this is possible thanks to my future supervisor,... I am beginning to really like the guy!
hmmm, yeah... so now I'm just waiting for my defense date to be set and that's it! Guess I'm gonna get my degree after all! And boy, am I jealous of all the people who had selected the non-thesis option for their Master's!
Posted by
The Spring Breeze
3:02 PM
Category: personal
Feeling extremely down today... eversince my supervisor mentioned the possibility of me not being able to go back home in early December!
It's ironic, cause I should be feeling happy after finally finishing the writing!
pffff, whatever... don't even feel like writing!
I'm listening to Ennio Morricone's "Tema D'Amore" from the soundtrack of Cinema Paradiso... not exactly improving my mood!
Posted by
The Spring Breeze
12:22 AM
Category: personal
Well, I'm not sure if watching "portrait of a lady, far away" and "one night" should exactly make me miss Tehran... But it does somehow...
Of course,these movies definitely showed the mad/dirty side of the town and people for the most part... But still there was a feeling that came along by watching Tehran streets and realizing that although I'm not there,people still walk in "Vali-e-asr" street, shout at taxi drivers: "pol-e-rumi", and drink juice late at night... Life still goes on back home and like it or not, I'm not a part of it anymore...
I miss the crazy polluted Tehran.
Posted by
The Spring Breeze
10:38 PM
Category: movies
Although I really should be writing non-stop these days, I spent around 3 hours (or maybe more) watching Martin Scorsese's documentary on Bob Dylan: "No Direction Home".
I have only recently been listening to Bob Dylan's music, after much resistance... It's funny how something that sounded horrible to me just a couple years ago can actually feel good now! But anyway, even if you don't want to be a fan, you should know about the guy cause he was a hell of a genius... Wikipedia's Bob Dylan page gives a fairly good picture of the artist and his work.
In the movie he actually sounded like a jerk sometimes... Which could be true in some ways because apparently he never really cared what people or other artists thought of him... And that is probably why he became what he is now... The movie was full of old and unreleased footage from Dylan's early performances... The artist's success story progressed in an interesting way... Different people were interviewed and a relatively comprehensive picture of Dylan's life from 1961 to 1966 was presented.
I definitely recommend watching the movie to people who are interested in Dylan's music or folk music in general. Watch the trailer in Apple's site.
The ambiance of the movie made me feel a bit sad though... Looks like all the important things have already happened in the 60's and 70's... Nothing left for us to do! :)
Posted by
The Spring Breeze
5:04 PM
Category: movies
Dearest Nazly joonam! This is for you...
Hopefully we'll be able to celebrate many more birthdays together... I'm gonna dedicate someone else's song to you here! ;) (just because you never listen to it when it's playing!)... HAPPY BIRTHDAY...
Forever young - by Bob Dylan (although I like Joan Baez's version a lot better)
May God bless and keep you always,
May your wishes all come true,
May you always do for others
And let others do for you.
May you build a ladder to the stars
And climb on every rung,
May you stay forever young,
Forever young, forever young,
May you stay forever young.
May you grow up to be righteous,
May you grow up to be true,
May you always know the truth
And see the lights surrounding you.
May you always be courageous,
Stand upright and be strong,
May you stay forever young,
Forever young, forever young,
May you stay forever young.
May your hands always be busy,
May your feet always be swift,
May you have a strong foundation
When the winds of changes shift.
May your heart always be joyful,
May your song always be sung,
May you stay forever young,
Forever young, forever young,
May you stay forever young.
Posted by
The Spring Breeze
11:49 PM
Category: personal
How do we know when is the right time to just give up! When is the right time to just end something... no matter how strongly we believed in it once... when it's not working, then it's not working! Why can't we let go? Is it that we think no such great thing would ever happen to us again? Or do we feel like we have to be loyal to the memory of something that doesn't exist anymore?
I don't know what it is, but it's definitely wrecking lots of people... Why the hell do we have to let things linger on for so long... I think we're just too afraid to see "the end" of anything... Whether it's a short trip, a job, or a relationship...
I really hope that I learn to let go of things when it's time... better learn it before I die, or else I'll have a hard time dying!
Posted by
The Spring Breeze
10:40 PM
Category: personal
Being the dedicated student and the extremely well-read lady that I am (!), I spent the last 24 hours reading one of the greatest novels in the history of mankind, Harry Potter and the Half-blood Prince !!! ;) (Spoiler notice: don't read the plot description in Wikipedia page linked above, it gives away the ending!)
I should probably be ashamed of it and - let's face it - I am! How could I wait three months before reading this book! I mean I can't call myself a real Harry Potter fan any more, can I?
And my supervisor would be really proud of me I guess, knowing I didn't show up at school because of a children's fantasy book! Not to mention the unfinished introduction chapter that is still to be written!
Oh well, what's done is done... At least now I know a lot more about he-who-must-not-be-named and I found out who wants to go out with which girl (yeah, our little witches and wizards are finally old enough to be dating! Exciting stuff!)
The clouds are gone finally after three gloomy days... It's noticeably colder though and guess I can't deny it anymore... Summer is officially over!
Posted by
The Spring Breeze
6:02 PM
Category: books