Friday, September 08, 2006

Damn you, memories! (or my random complaints about life - reader warning: boring!)

You say there's nothing we can do. That we should forget. I know. As a matter of fact, it's easier than most people think. I've already forgot how the grip of your fingers felt, and I can't quite remember what colors your eyes were, unless I look at the pictures, of course. Were you taller than me? What perfume were you wearing?

You'll see, I'll forget in no time. Except I still remember the feeling of being close, being watched, held, admired, spoiled, and scared by you. Don't worry though; I'll forget in no time, you'll see.

Don't you just hate your brain? It never memorizes the important things, like your appointments, or your course material, or the speech you're supposed to give in front of the class. But then it goes and remembers every single detail of a random night in a random place with some random stranger and bugs you with it for the rest of your life. If only we could choose which memories to keep... life would be a lot less complicated than it is now.


Anonymous said...

This is a master piece Saba. Very touching, true, and something I guess everyone can relate to.

In your next life, consider authorship as a career...

The Spring Breeze said...

Somaye joon thanks,

You're too kind! and I wish I could change careers in this life!

MehdiMK said...

I wouldn't say a masterpiece, but a strong comeback, one of those I'd like to read more than once :-)

Anonymous said...

yeah , I read it couple of times, it was well written.

The Spring Breeze said...

MehdiMK and anonymous,

Thank you! Wow! Looks like I need to write only when I'm depressed, hearthbroken, or rejected!

MehdiMK said...

The greatest masterpieces in literature and art were created by depressed, lonely, grief-stricken and abandoned figures :p

Anonymous said...

I swear you would still keep the same memories even if you had the power to choose! Wouldn't you?!

Anonymous said...

Great Work.. I felt an instant connection.. very touching indeed