Wednesday, September 13, 2006

And I wonder

You ask me what is it that we're doing. I don't know. We're just going with the flow I guess. You're afraid that you might hurt me, I'm afraid to lose you. I can't stop it, but it can't go on either. You think I will hate you for this later, you don't know I already hate you for it. Don't they say there's a thin line in between?... You know what's funny? The fact that it'll all be over before we even know it. I'll be reading these in a few months and won't be able to remember how it felt. You'll be in someone else's dreams, I'll be dreaming of someone new.

So here's my answer: we're doing what seems to be the easiest way to let our feelings die away. Promise me though, that you won't let us get trapped in the illusion of this being anything more than what it is: an illusion.


MehdiMK said...

The more intimate and personal you write, the harder to comment, the easier to relate to. Keep the good work :-)

BlackOcean said...

-Love, an emotion unlike others that Ive felt.
-Love makes for great joy and happiness but tis also a point of sorrow.
-When two are together and their union is whole, joy is found.
-When two who are whole are torn apart then the pain is apparent.
-What is love to one who has never received love but has found hate and fear.
-Can such a being love at all or is it only the pain that causes LOVE.
-Love is the destruction of all that logical, of all reality.
-It is said Love can remove all barriors. A lie.
-Love holds no power except perhaps to those that love.
-Is love important to living, can a being survive without love.
-Surely the being made feed off other emotions, such as hate and fear.
-Does this feeding then make the being evil or dark of hue.
-Without knowing of love is not then life made the less.
-Should not life be lived to the fullest extent.
-To the fullest would nessecitate emotional feedback would it not.
-What is Love?
-A fools game!
-A game for poor poppinjays who understand nothing.
-A trap for the blind, the foolish, and even the wise.
-A constant sorrow, a constant battle, even a trial.
-A means by which life is to be experienced.
-And Love is a feeling that one can only hope to survive.

The Spring Breeze said...


Thank you! I try, but I wish people could relate to undepressing material too though! :)


Wow! That's basically a post right there! Thanks for sharing this.

Anonymous said...

Dear Saba,
I know how it know, it reminds me of this ABBA song:
...I realy tried to make it up..I wish I understood,
what happned to our love, it used to be so good...
you know, how this thin line gets crossed before you even know it...