Monday, May 30, 2005

Sleepy morning

So here I am, sitting at my desk at 10:38 a.m. and still have a hard time openning my eyes! But life goes on and you have to put up with it I guess... even if it means waking up when you don't feel like it!!!!

Yesterday started really bad... I found out that a friend - not a very close one but still a friend - had passed away... heart attack they say! Can't beleive it yet. Recently all I've been getting from back home is the news about someone's death. I mean, last year everyone seemed to be getting married and engaged and so, then suddenly there's like a death spell in the air! I really wish that it would stop now!

Saturday, I went biking around and enjoyed the great warm weather in Vancouver and also spent most of Sunday by the beach, playing valleyball and freezbie(?) and trying to throw a footbal with the right spin... have been really active compared to myself just a year ago! Looks like people can change for the better after all!!

Anyway, here's a link in case you're interested. If you want to join, just email your stuff to this address.

Hmmm, have been really bad with the movies lately, gotta catch up soon. Will write later...


Anonymous said...

Was your friend called Amir? I don't like to think more than one case of such sad incident happened recently.

The Spring Breeze said...

Yeah, he was called Amir (Esfandiari).