Thursday, March 23, 2006

One year...

...that's how old this blog is! Somewhere in the past month, this blog turned one year old! I can't believe I survived this long... thought I'd be running out of ideas in a month. Well, let's face it, I kind of did... and that was where the movie reviews came to rescue!!!

I do like it here... it's a nice way of letting your (sometimes destructive) feelings out! I still haven't found a clear direction for this blog though... can't seem to focus on one issue for too long... well, I guess that's what daydreamers are supposed to do!

As for the movies, I just watched Ocean's twelve. I had heard some very mixed opinions about it... as it turned out, I actually liked the movie! Ok, I agree it was slow, but that was the whole point. The idea was to focus not on the "mission" but on the people this time, at least that's what I thought. Giving some tangible earthly features to our perfect heroes made them more real and easier to like. Anyway, I thought it was a smart move from the director, cause there was no way in hell anyone could ever top Ocean's eleven in a sequel.

Can't believe the term is almost over and I have no clue what I'm supposed to be doing for my PhD! I'm going be here for a LONG time...

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