So I'm back
I finally decided to blog! It's pretty hard after you stop for a while... 1. I had the greatest time back home if you ignore the fact that my suitcase got lost on the way there, and took two weeks to get found! Since all my shoes (favorite ones too) and pants were in that suitcase, I spent two weeks without any shoes or pants! God bless same-size sisters :)
2. Nothing is better than having original Kaleh-Pache or Dizy in the right place and with the right people. 3. Never go to Iran during the exams period. No one will give a damn how long you've been away; those tests have to be written!
4. I started and finished His dark materials series by Philip Pullman on my trip. I think it's great that he introduces this awesome practical strong female character into the fantasy world. The movie is coming out in December and I for one will go watch it as soon as it is screened. I'm still a big Potter fan though! 5. Dubai must have degraded by like a million percent since the last time I've been there; I definitely won't recommend it to anyone, at least not the old part of Dubai where everyone used to go. Explore new areas if you decide to go.
6. One Iranian movie never to watch: Parkway
One Iranian movie to maybe watch if you have time: neghaab
I missed out on Khoonbaazi, and Santoori wasn't out yet. Those two should have been good movies. 7. Heathrow is as crazy as you can imagine an airport to be... avoid it at all costs!
8. London is the coolest city ever (I'm exaggerating, of course!) ... especially if you have cool friends like Bahman and Aydin to make sure you see everywhere in only three days!
9. Harry Potter and Order of The Phoenix is exactly what you expect, a Hollywood movie, not badly made but not a masterpiece either... lots of side stories were cut out but there's really no other way to make the movie I guess... you'll like it if you're a Potter fan, but not nearly as much as you liked the book.
10. I discovered Rana Frahan in Iran, she is this Iranian Blues singer who lives in New York... I think she's awesome.
11. I missed Vancouver while I was away, and well it's a pretty hard city not to miss... but honestly, nowhere feels like home without your family next to you.
12. I know this was not a real post, but I'm jet lagged and a bit homesick still... give me a break.
Glad you had fun and glad you're back!! I missed you!
Hi dear Saba,
welcome back! I'm glad that you had a good time in Iran, but I've really missed your blog.
I totally agree with No. 9 and 11 and thanks for introducing Rana Farhan, never heard of her before, she's great.
Thanks, I missed the blogging world too. :)
I was so happy when my friend gave me her CD... I think she's great too.
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