Thursday, February 22, 2007

Funny what helps you get over people...

it's their weaknesses more often than not, rather than your "inner poise" (as Bridget Jones would put it). Some people never cease to disappoint you, even after you figured you couldn't be any more disappointed in them.

You try and try to forget the way they talked to you, held you, looked into your eyes, lied into your face, called you by cute nick names, made plans with you, and then went on to break your hearth. Then they go and make this - otherwise negligible - mistake, and suddenly your eyes are open again. You stop checking your mailbox every 15 minutes to see if they emailed you, things stop reminding you of them, life gets back to normal... as in good! And that, my friends, is what they call "Closure"! (Ok, so I stole this line off "friends", big deal!)


Unknown said...
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The Spring Breeze said...


Thanks. yeah, guess it's too late to change now! sometimes even the spell checker can not find your typos!

Asad said...

hey I still have body spelled as buddy in one of my posts and I am leaving it that way spelling be damned.