Liberation. Whether they want or not.
Tonight I watched Manderlay, the second movie from Lars von Trier's trilogy: USA- land of opportunities. It's similar- in making - to the first movie, Dogville, which I had watched a while ago. It's not as harsh though. The movie is about the discrimination against the black people in the States. The director has a way of showing you the worst that human race is capable of; and you wonder at the end whether you'd do the same, if put in similar circumstances. I really liked the idea of just pretending that things exist (walls, doors, trees,...). The minimalistic set decoration (in both films) makes you more focused on what's going on with the characters. If you've watched Dogville and liked it, you'll most probably like this one too. You don't have to have watched Dogville though, the stories are totally independent.
I liked Dogville much better. However I love anything Von Trier churns out. I couldn't accept the new actress as Kidman's substitute. BTW, apparently you don't have any problem with Von Trier's misogynistic style? (because I have found several females having a hard time with his movies).
So far, I've liked every Von Trier's movie I've watched. I'm not a fan of super-harsh movies, but if there's truth in it, what can you do? I also like movies that are creative in some way; if Dogville had been made like a regular darama I might have not liked it as much!
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