Wednesday, August 10, 2005


If you're into cartoons and want to know what's going on in Iran, then Irancartoon is probably a good place to check every once in a while... they have news on cartoons, comic strips, flash animations and so on.

Currently they have a collection of Sebastian Kruger's cartoons on their website. I didn't know him until I came across his book, Stones by Kruger, browsing the shelves in Chapters. It's a collection of his cartoon on the Rolling Stones... apparently he's got even more sketches on them which is understandable, since Mick Jagger has "THE" face for being a cartoon subject... anyway, there's even a website devoted just to the stars Kruger has sketched so far and I think it's worth taking a look. I'm gonna post some of the sketches I liked here...

I like the ones from Jimi Hendrix and Bob Dylan the most...

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