Tuesday, November 28, 2006

These are dry times!

So I'm officially out of inspirations to write... not that life's not exciting... it is very exciting as a matter of fact.
I've had the greatest weekend, hanging out with friends who were visiting... the water advisory was finally lifted yesterday (in case you didn't know, Vancouverite's were required to boil their water before drinking for the past 10 days or so - so much for living in the first world!)... The snow storm caused a major chaos in the city... power outage led to the cancellation of all classes in school yesterday, so I could stay home and enjoy the pretty scenery from the window. Even my horrible final is over... so I don't know what's wrong... I think it's the lack of movies in my life! I haven't been to a movie theater in about two weeks now, and that, dear readers, is a disaster. It's unheard of in the history of contemporary daydreamers and I'm about to change it tomorrow night...that is, of course, if no major ice storms happen...

This is an end-of-the-world type of weather, I'd say... first we get constant rain for like two weeks and the water gets contaminated, then we get two days of non-stop snow and life gets interrupted!!! I mean it's not even December yet, and this is Vancouver we're talking about... it's supposed to be pleasant like all the time!

Anyway, we'll see how long this whole there's-absolutely-nothing-to-write-about phase lasts for.


Anonymous said...

You should watch Monty Python's "Meaning Of Life". It would explain everything about Vancouver... and... wellllll... elsewhere across town...

Have you seen it btw? :P

Anonymous said...

Heh Heh Heh! We have such a nice weather in Toronto right now. The temperature is about 15. And it's almost december! You should move here Saba.

Anonymous said...

well, check the snow warning advisory. It is supposed to snow some more this afternoon (Wednesday)...

Anonymous said...

Greate Picture!