Sunday, March 26, 2006

God is in the rain

No, I'm not suddenly giving you spiritual BS...this is just one of the lines in the movie "V for Vendetta"... and although I absolutely love Natalie Portman, I have to say I'm disappointed!

Not that the acting was bad, or the production, or the music... everything was perfect, but in a Hollywood kind of way. The movie was such a cliche, I can't even begin to describe it! And it's very unfortunate, because it actually had, if you will, a "valuable message".

The movie tells the story of this Zoro-like hero that fights for justice in a future world with a very totalitarian British government. The whole idea of Britain, or any other country for that matter, gaining that much power freaks me out and I believe the movie touches on some important issues regarding how governments use fear to rule people. It could, however, be less of a cliche I think and that's just my opinion. Another $10.95 wasted on a movie that could be watched on DVD!

It's raining in Vancouver, BTW, and aside from the cheesy line in the movie, I actually do like the rain and do think that God , perhaps, is in the rain...


Anonymous said...

Wow, last night we were at Paramount and in doubt to choose between V and Inside Man. U know how I feel about Nat, however we went for Inside Man and it WAS worth $10.95. I thought V is an Orwellian Matrix-like flick but it seems I have to skip it...

The Spring Breeze said...


It's funny how we always end up in the same places at the same times... good thing you chose the "Inside Man" for sure... I like Judie Foster even better than Natalie Portman!

Anonymous said...

Happy new template! Kheily bahariye ...

Anonymous said...

I second Inside Man. Cool blog here. Keep up.

The Spring Breeze said...

Mohaajer jan,

Thanx a lot! It was getting a bit boring, had to change something! It doesn't look as nice as I want though, wish I had the time AND knowledge to design my own page, but for the time being I have to live with what Blogger has to offer... for free!


Thanx. I didn't watch Inside Man, guess that has to wait for a while then!