Sunday, March 16, 2008

snapping out

It happened one rainy afternoon in a downtown coffee shop, while talking to a friend. She had just started complaining again when it suddenly hit her: she was complaining, AGAIN!

There is a time to snap out of everything: love, hate, excitement, boredom... and apparently even emptiness!

Not that she's suddenly all happiness and energy. She's definitely not jumping up and down. But maybe she'll pick up her camera after ages and takes a few photos, maybe she'll start writing more often...maybe she'll even start planning a trip.

Everyone has the right to feel down every once in a while, right? sometimes it just takes a long time to feel better.


Laleh said...

I'm happy she's back...and waiting to read her posts!! :)

سطرهای پنهانی said...

it's really natural to feel down once in a while ,no matter (who,where,how old) you are,...and sometimes you really need let it go ...

happy ne year
take care

Anonymous said...

the way you say it I like to write too. maybe it helps.