Sunday, September 04, 2005

It's funny,

but I can't decide on what movie I wanna watch tonight! whether I wanna watch a serious movie with a deep message embodied in it, or a chick-flick that entertains me for a couple of hours, or a concert from a favorite musician (BTW, I recently watched Diana Krall performances in Montreal and Paris...all of you vocal Jazz fans out there, don't miss out on it... she's truly amazing!)... anyway, it's funny and at the same time frustrating, cause I don't feel like wasting my time on a movie I'm not gonna enjoy!

Hopefully I'll make a decision before midnight!

Update: I watched Upside of anger at last! a slightly above average movie...


Anonymous said...

we want new post... Here is a start:
"what a week, made that "mistake" again. Also, watched a movie last night, it was very good, I recommend it..."
now, you take it from here ;)

The Spring Breeze said...

Ok here it comes: " I'm busy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "

And why do you need another post when you can guess it so well?! ;)I apologize if my life is ALL ABOUT making mistakes and watching movies...

Anonymous said...

I like this life-style. You know, we all make one mistake over and over again. you're the winner cuz you watch movies meanwhile :)