Sunday, August 21, 2005

Beyond borders

I watched Beyond Borders and to my surprise, it turned out to be a really good movie...although I had recently decided not to watch another Angelina Julie movie, I'm glad I watched this one... It's about relief camps in different parts of the world and people that do humanitarian work (although as you can guess there was a love-related story line going on, but it was not the focus of the movie at least!)... maybe it was an American version of what's going on around the world, but still it showed some realities...

Made me wonder how "my" problems are not even real problems compared to what other people are going through... not that every one has to go through starvation and death for his/her problems to be considered "real", but at least it made me appreciate what I have and try to stop complaining (let's see how long that will last!)...

I also felt kind of funny for wearing the white band, but let's hope it really is for a good cause!

Can't believe the summer is almost over... wish I could stop the time from passing by (or fast forward it to December!)


Anonymous said...

I indeed look forward to see you in december. wanna know how you changed in a year?

Anonymous said...

Hey saba! hope you r doing well! its been such a long time since I haven't write any comment for you,although I have read it all and checked it everyday,really! yeah that seems to be a really good movie and you really motivate me to get that movie and watch it ! ;)
Yeaaaah summer is almost over! I can't believe! it came to an end just in a glance!!! but the good thing is that this time I'm so excited to have the summer finished! cuz by September the 8th I will be a University studentttt!!! yuhoooooo!!:D
isn't that exciting?! I hope that it would always stay that exciting and full of happyness! Pray for me Saba! to be successful like you!!
Take care

Anonymous said...

But i think this film was really an american one. It showed all african people(and all exc. americans) some disabled, eaitting for blonde people to solve their problems, even their primeministers! I don`t like this aspect of this film.

The Spring Breeze said...


I agree that the whole idea of European/American people solving the world's problems sucks, but this doesn't mean that people in some African countries are not living under horrible conditions and need all the help they can get. I thought the point of this movie was that it showed a real person, with a so called "normal" life going on, could still be involved in making the world a better place. Either remotely or by being present where the real action was.