Thursday, July 09, 2009

what I listen to these days:

... KCRW radio. A couple of my friends from the States told me about it and surprisingly you can listen to it in Canada, for now at least! it's just an online radio, not one of those databases that learns your taste in music. But I like their songs, mostly! and anyway, they've got a "today's top tune" feature which is basically a song they'll let you download for free. Just thought you might wanna give it a try at some point, especially if there is a big musical whole in your life after went all commercial!

by the way, it's official: my ipod is dead. A memorial service to follow shortly. :(


Ali Sadighian said...

what happened to Mr Job's creation? had an impact with a hard object?

The Spring Breeze said...


it just dies on me one day when i needed it the most!!! not to worry though, i have a sexy new iphone now that can partially replace my ipod (R.I.P) as well! :D

Sayeh said...

It's good that you are going to have a memorial for your ipod. You know that it's very important these days...

Ali Sadighian said...

what has happened to my Vancouver newsfeed?