Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Wanting something so badly

... and knowing you're not gonna have it. One of those feelings I absolutely hate, and am powerless against. I can not look at the big picture, can not be grand and "learn from it"... I can only be mad as hell, and wish for a miracle I know won't happen.


Anonymous said...

wish you the miracle. for me they usually don't happen when I wanted them but long after by then i don't care anymore.

Unserene said...

That's exactly what I have experienced. Maybe the universe's clock and ours is not so synch!:))

Reza said...

Very good exposure of feelings, same as always :) I do agree with Anonymous though it can't help!

j-sam: said...

miracles happen. it's just that usually they happen when it's late. not too late. but late enough.
miss you ke :*

Anonymous said...

So true. There is an inexplicable pain and heaviness that you feel when a thing happens. I hope you got over whatever it was.