...or, the adventures of the cutest (and the only) robot on Earth! This would somehow summarize the story of the movie I watched last night: Wall.E.

Wall.E is so cute, you'll find yourself aw-ing all through the movie! It is amazing that the only words he says is his own and Eve's (the white super-robot) name, and yet you can feel all sorts of emotions in these words, depending on the situation! Apart from all the funny and romantic and cute moments that happen in the film, what interested me the most was how the movie showed the future of Earth, all covered in garbage (and clearly as a result of crazy consumption' you could see the remains of huge supermarkets and gas stations, etc), and also the future of Earth people, who were living with the most advanced technologies imaginable and yet their lives were so empty. I am not trying to read too much into this film, but I honestly think it's a great thing if kids' cartoons occasionally have a message as well!!
All in all, I had a great time watching Wall.E and so recommend it to everyone. I haven't met a single person that hasn't liked it.
Another awesome thing about last night was the short Pixar animation that preceded Wall.E: Presto. It was one of the funniest short animations I had seen. You can see a sneak preview here. The whole film is a comical fight between a magician and his bunny who wants a carrot, but can not get it.
hmmmm, oh, ok, I also watched Shortbus a few days ago. Not at all what I had expected. Except for crazy s e x scenes, I couldn't understand what all the excitement was about!
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