Monday, June 05, 2006

Some statistics

Ok, so (as of Monday, 6:19 Pacific time) 6 out of the past 100 visits to this page have been through Google. Here are the keywords:

saba daydreaming
judie foster film 2006
dress him as a girl ballet (what the...?)
the blindness by jose saramago
how to say i like someone
sebastian kruger

Hmmm, I guess I should be glad at least one person really wanted to get here!


Anonymous said...

u should be grateful they are all decent keywords...

The Spring Breeze said...


I'm not sure if "dress him as a girl" qualifies to be "decent" but well, I guess it could be worse!

Anonymous said...

and you have no clue who that one person is!

Shirin said...

My top google keywords apart from my own name and my dad’s are:
Mamanjoon (for some bizarre reason I get at least one of these a day!)
Aloo esfenaj
ello listening beginners
Ghazvini jokes
Wiping bum
But the worst one of all has got to be ‘Naked Kid’ :-| that’s just grim.

The Spring Breeze said...


Nope! Hope it's not anyone I know!


Well... you win!