Saturday, March 27, 2010

the law of conservation of topper-ware

...states that in an isolated society, the total number of topper-ware dishes remain constant in time, even if their individual locations at each time does not... something to ponder upon.

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Monday, March 15, 2010

new addiction:


and I'm not kidding.I feel completely weird about this one, but recently all I can think about are cookies, pies, and cakes. I think in a few months I'll be 10 pounds heavier, and of course still a student. However, if you could taste the "warm sticky toffee cake" I made today you would know the reason behind this obsession. I'm actually good at this baking thing it seems! :D

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Friday, March 12, 2010

you know you've been somwehere too long

...when the building janitor says to his friend (with you standing right there):"when she first came here, I thought she was someone's kid!... she was such a baby!".

shoot me... just shoot me now, please!

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