another year
getting older... and more cynical... happiness is tainted with guilt when your friends are in trouble. It's my birthday, and I wish the world were just a bit more fair.
Read the rest...getting older... and more cynical... happiness is tainted with guilt when your friends are in trouble. It's my birthday, and I wish the world were just a bit more fair.
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Posted by
The Spring Breeze
2:04 PM
Category: personal
... so am I. I hopelessly wish for a peaceful protest... Tehran is just waking up... it's the 22nd of Bahman.
Read the rest...
Posted by
The Spring Breeze
6:24 PM
... hmmm, I guess it's considered some sort of a participation if the Olympic Torch goes right by your department, AND your house! :D I am starting to feel excited about this whole thing finally... Vancouver will be very alive during the next two weeks.. or at least we hope so!
(pay attention to the location of the torch around 6:14 and 6:52 p.m.) :D ... this happens tomorrow night by the way! yay...
Posted by
The Spring Breeze
4:05 PM
As any reader of this blog knows, I've spent a good deal of my time, and my nerves, pondering on relationships, and I think I will continue to do so. It's just that when you're heart broken, sad, and angry it's much easier to write a post that can touch another person. On the other hand, when you're relatively happy and calm, as I have surprisingly been in the past few months, you don't get inspired as much!!! pretty sad and pathetic, but true... at least for me. So do I need a relationship that works, or do I need one that inspires me by being dysfunctional? I'm beginning to wonder if I really need the drama... I hope not.
Anyway, I've said all this so you understand why I need to write about movies again and here are some of the ones I watched recently: Avatar: Well, need I say anything? I think the experience of watching it in "real D" was amazing... even if the story wasn't the greatest. I don't think there is any point in writing about it since everyone will probably eventually watch Avatar. Although I'm not sure how it would feel to watch it on TV. Loved the soundtrack by the way.
Nine: Well, if you ever watched 8 1/2 and thought it was not as interesting as everyone said it would be, then you should watch Nine and reconsider. It is basically 8 1/2 for dummies (like myself) and I don't mean it in a bad way. I think it conveyed the confusion of the uninspired director very well, the soundtrack was great, and of course Marion Cotillard was just a treat to look at. As a musical I thought Nine was great, and if you do like musicals you should definitely watch it sometime.
The Blind Side: well, this was a typical well made Hollywood movie. Sweet story with some touching moments, a few jokes, and a happy ending. Of course it was based on a true story which made me really admire the main character, however I felt like something was missing from the movie. It might be just me though! anyway, watch it on DVD.
Paranormal activity: hmmm, it may come as a shock to some people, but I didn't understand what all the fuss was about? I didn't get scared even a little and I was watching it on a wide screen with a good sound system and lights off! Although, it might have been because everyone kept saying it was the scariest movie they've ever watched and how you couldn't sleep at night after watching it... high expectations, very little satisfaction!
9: loved it! great great animation and the little mechanical tricks were really fun too look at. definitely recommend it if you like dark animations. Mary and Max: a very sad and somewhat depressing animations that you'll either love or hate. I enjoyed it very much... it's a bit more serious than you'd expect an animation to be, but it's worth watching. You'll certainly appreciate all the work it took to create the little hand-made figures and make the animation.
hmm, I watched a few more movies: District 9 (loved it), Bist (liked it a lot), 2012 (lame lame lame), Bandslam (funny and melo, not very well-made though). Ok... I think that would be enough for now. Will be back with more movies soon I hope!
Posted by
The Spring Breeze
12:27 PM