Sunday, September 30, 2007

Bad weekend at the movies!

So I had some bad luck with the movies this weekend. First, I went to watch In the valley of Elah, and was totally disappointed! I don't understand why I need to feel sorry for a soldier that runs an Iraqi child over! Poor American guy, he must have suffered a lot, not being able to sleep at night! And then, what's with the pride at the end of the movie? so, let's hang our flag high up and send more troops to kill more people?! anyway, wait for the dvd so you can fast forward!

Then there was the VIFF which I was so excited about. My first movie was today at 12:00, but guess what? I slept in and missed that! I was soooo pissed off! I almost decided against watching the next movie but then changed my mind, and now I kind of wish that I had not! 10 + 4 was not even one step further from Mania Akbari's previous movie and although I admire her courage and strength in the fight against cancer, I didn't enjoy the movie at all!

So here I am, on a rainy Sunday afternoon, bitching about my movie experience! sorry! I have been busy with my research and my committee meeting is approaching fast, a bit stressed out here!

PS - I did enjoy Kiosk's concert very much though. They were awesome, even if the sound system wasn't!

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Monday, September 17, 2007


یه نگاهی بندازید و پرسشنامه رو پر کنید... چند دقیقه بیشتر وقت نمی بره.

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Saturday, September 15, 2007

My journalist cousin!

This is my cousin's weblog... she's a very strong and committed journalist that acts on her beliefs and never compromises what she thinks is right. She's been recently banned from all events related to the department of justice in Iran! But I know this won't stop her from doing what she loves. Good luck Sanaz.

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Wednesday, September 05, 2007

حمایت از خانواده چی می گه؟

خوب اینم از لایحه جدید برای حمایت از خانواده! پررویی هم حدی داره دیگه! بابا این که اسمشو هر چی میشه گذاشت غیر از "حمایت از خانواده"...

گزارش محبوبه حسین زاده رو توی سایت تغییر برای برابری بخونید:

" ... مساله مهم دیگر تجویز ازدواج مجدد است که در حال حاضر این ازدواج باید با اجازه همسر اول باشد و در قانون، مجازات کیفری هم برای از دواج مجدد بدون اجازه همسر در نظر گرفته شده بود اما در این لایحه ازدواج مجدد مردان با اجازه دادگاه و منوط به تمکن مالی مرد و تشخیص دادگاه در برقراری عدالت توسط مرد صورت می گیرد. کدام مردی در دنیا پیدا می شود که ازدواج دوم انجام دهد و ادعا کند که همسر اول را به اندازه همسر دوم دوست دارد..."

"... درصد زنان شاغل در كشورما فوق العاده پايين است و بقيه كار نمي كنند و آناني كه كار مي كنند درآمدشان كفاف زندگي در حد استاندارد را نمي دهد بنابراين زنان مجبور مي شوند شوهر پيدا كنند. حتي بسياري از زنان مشكلات را تحمل مي كنند به خاطر اين كه اگر طلاق بگيرند و فرزند هم داشته باشند، مشكلات مالي شان بيشتر مي شود. در اين شرايط دولت، دو متغیر برهم زننده خانواده؛ یعنی ازدواج موقت و ازدواج مجدد، را مطرح می کند باعث می شود که در واقع عنصر خیانت را در خانواده به صورت شرعی وارد می کند و می گوید شما می توانید به همسران تان خیانت کنید و من اين را هيچ جاي دنيا نديدم. از این شرایط قدرتمندان جامعه یعنی مردان نفع می برند و اما برنده دیگر دولت است چون یک وظیفه دولت طبق قانون اساسي این است که به وضعیت آحاد مردم رسیدگی کند. دولت ما به جاي اين كه در مورد زنان مطلقه، بيوه و ...فكري كند مساله مردان را بر دوش زنان مي اندازد و به جاي اين كه كاري براي زنان فراهم كند آنان را سوق مي دهد به سمت ازدواج موقت و ازدواج مجدد. و در اين حال مردان را با يك سري امتيازهاي ظاهری وادار مي كند كه خرج زنان را بدهند..."

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and another one

don't miss 2 days in Paris if you have the chance. It's one of those unexpectedly well-made funny movies, a very good movie from a first time director. Julie Delpy, who's also the director, plays the role of a French woman that brings her American boyfriend to Paris to meet her family and see the city. Obviously, the movie is about the clash of cultures and although Delpy is French herself, sometimes it feels that things are a bit exaggerated. It's funny anyway and I definitely recommend it.

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Saturday, September 01, 2007


I don't know why I always pick the crappiest movies to watch in the theater... I went to watch this independent Canadian movie the other night and was utterly disappointed! A stone's throw tells the story of this photographer that goes to visit his sister in Nova Scotia. He is a weird kind of environmentalist and is against the building of a mine near his sister's house. Little by little the story unfolds to show how he can go to extremes to "protect" the environment. Anyway, for one thing the movie felt like a class on "how to save the environment"... it was boring at times, and the acting wasn't the greatest... music was ok, and I thought the cinematography was cool too. But i can hardly recommend it to anyone!

I rented thank you for smoking though and absolutely loved it. Smart and funny at the same time with an amazing soundtrack. It really makes you rethink your notions of liberty and personal choice.

Finally, I watched the pursuit of happyness and liked it. It was well written and well made and all, but wasn't as strong as I had expected. Made you wanna make more money though!

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