Ok, I need to apologize again for not having anything to write about but the movies I watch... Thanks Ali (nouri) for the comment on the last post! I think so too... Watching movies makes up a big part of my life! The more movies I watch, the better I feel (usually!)... Therefore when you read my posts and they're all about movies, you can be sure that I'm feeling ok... And hopefully you care and it makes you feel good too! ;)
Anyway... I watched Woodstock: the director's cut , actually just some of the performances... I'm not sure if I like the editing and the "director's cut"... But I certainly do like the music! And watching Joan Baez perform is always a pleasure!
Last night though was even better when I watched Live Aid (some of the performances again!) after having a couple of drinks and it felt awesome (doesn't it always?)! Although seeing all those artists in their "funky" 80's outfits just cracked me up! Bono looked hilarious and don't even ask about Madonna! Anyway, it was a good watch, although the artists did not perform at their best... Or at least that's what I thought!
And finally... Madagascar which was ok but definitely not worth watching in a movie theater... But I sooooooo liked the penguins... They were real psychics... There's this scene in the movie that I just LOVE... The penguins finally get to go outside the zoo and get to Antarctica - their "dream land"... It's super cold and the wind is blowing hard... Penguins are quiet for a couple of seconds and then one of them says: "well... THIS sucks!" ... Just remembering the way he said it makes me laugh... I was wondering if I'm gonna say the same thing in a couple of years after getting settled down and finding my "dream job"... Which by the way is unknown so far!!!!
anyway, watch the movie if it's a cheap Tuesday rental or something... It gets funnier towards the ending...
Hmmm, and I guess I'm feeling fine which is really surprising cause it's Sunday afternoon...

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